WOW! Wholesale, a division of WOW! Business, and iFiber Networks have reached an agreement to offer gigabit Internet service to government, commercial and residential customers in the village of Gilberts, IL. Located approximately 45 miles from Chicago, Gilberts has a population of about 10,000.
Under the terms of the agreement, WOW! Wholesale is building a redundant five-mile fiber-optic network segment that will connect to a high-speed hub in Gilberts. Construction of the first section of the fiber backbone is complete, with the additional segments scheduled to be finished this summer.
Once the fiber backbone is operational, iFiber Networks plans to connect its Gilberts 1 Gbps fiber network, which is currently under construction, to the Internet via the WOW! Wholesale fiber backbone. Initially, iFiber Networks expects to purchase up to a 10 Gbps Ethernet connection from WOW! Wholesale with the ability to upgrade as needed. WOW! does not currently provide services in Gilberts.