In a survey released by Altman Vilandrie & Co., two-thirds of businesses said they need to increase their Internet bandwidth in the next 12 months to keep pace with business needs, signaling rising bandwidth demand that will test the current limits of broadband subscriptions. The survey covered more than 700 businesses and was conducted late last year.The demand is driven by a variety of factors, including new applications and greater adoption of off-site data center services. The survey indicated that the four most important reasons businesses buy new Internet services were network reliability, price, customer service and technical compatibility. Even though two-thirds of respondents said they needed more bandwidth, bandwidth was only the fifth most important factor.Bandwidth was a more important factor for large businesses (500+ employees) than small businesses. Network reliability was the most important factor cited by survey respondents, while bandwidth and technical compatibility were tied for second. Mid-sized businesses (25-99 employees) reported the highest rate of bandwidth demand growth, which at 22% is more than double the overall annual total bandwidth growth demand of 11%.
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