What the heck am I doing in the broadband engineering space? I have a degree in Communications and Spanish, not engineering. However, the cable biz has been my life for over 15 years, so suffice it to say I have half, but a not a full, clue. This year was a true earth-shaker, in my opinion, as a landslide of new technologies, new user trends, and some downright scary — and inspiring — stuff started trending upwards in the collective engineering conscience. And they all come with cool acronyms, and I love acronyms. WNTL? (What’s Not To Love?)So without further ado, I present the Top Five for 2010:
5. OTT: Over-the–top streaming media can present new viewer habits and new challenges for the operator — particularly streaming speed over WiFi, not to mention attendant bandwidth and revenue/tiering challenges. The ops will figure out how to monetize this — with the Netflix brouhaha already being the first shot across the bow. Expect more.Tim Hermes is CEO at BGR, which becomes BTR in January. Email him at [email protected].
4. 3DTV (from the ops side): The challenges are big, but Cox showed it could be executed beautifully with its Masters coverage in 3D last April. What’s in store in 2011? I remain convinced that until the goofy glasses issue is resolved, 3D will spin its wheels. But then again I actually thought New Coke was pretty good. And I have the Backstreet Boys Greatest Hits on CD, too.
3. CMAP: OK, I’m at the edge of my limited intelligence here, but Editorial Diva Laura Hamilton says this is a big deal. An alternative architecture that combines QAM and CMTS functionalities? Hmm … sounds tasty. Is QAM the coolest acronym ever? Oh yes, indeed it is.
2. EBIF: Making the set-top even more powerful? ‘nuff said.
1. BTR: Yup, I’m going there. With new social media applications, a new look and layout, expanded editorial mission, less clutter, and of course a new name, BTR is going to expand its lead in the market serving you, our readers. We know you’re going to like what you see! And thanks to uber-Publisher Rob Stuehrk and web kingpin Matt “Over the Top” Ott for making it all happen.