Installation made easy? You bet!
VeEX's CATV Product Suite features professional gear which makes the technician's life much easier - full integration for every aspect of an installation. Simple testing solutions that can be used independently or combined together as a single powerful tool.
Resulting in much happier customers and lower churn!
From dispatching server updates, connecting to the RF and/or Ethernet connection, downloading the work order and performing the required tests, the VeEX solutions are seamless.
The technician can show test results to the customer who gives approval electronically and then after closing out the order, have the test results uploaded - with a service order issued! The dispatch server can then follow up if needed and triggers an alarm if results are incomplete.
VeEX's goal? To provide you with the necessary tools to streamline the installation process: ensuring QoS, reducing follow-on service calls, optimizing your workforce, and improving the overall customer experience.
Happy customers. Productive employees. Priceless!
See the VeEX video to learn more, or contact us at 1-408-970-9090, or