The Skytide ( streaming video analytics solution is now fully integrated into Broadpeak's ( Mediator CDN system. The integration is intended to provide tools to visualize advanced statistical information and manage VOD or live Web TV operations more profitably, enabling rapid response to network traffic demands, content lifecycle management, and portfolio optimization.Broadpeak's streaming platform pushes raw traffic data to Skytide Insight for CDNs. Skytide then processes it into business intelligence that's displayed using user-friendly dashboards and reports. Operators can view consumption patterns by content type, audience type, geography, and other key dimensions.The scalable Broadpeak Mediator system enables network service providers to deliver content to multiple screens, over any type of network, using intelligent popularity management to optimize performance. The addition of analytics from Skytide enables a detailed view of performance at critical points along the online video value chain, including network operator, business partner, and content owner views.
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