In light of the 2014 Open Internet NPRM, the FCC is hosting a series of staff-led Open Internet Roundtable Discussions, to further examine the actions the Commission should take toward promoting Internet openness in both the fixed and mobile markets, technological considerations, the role of competition and economics, enforcement, and legal theories.
Specifically, on September 16th the Roundtable will discuss Policy Approaches to Ensure an Open Internet in the morning and Mobile Broadband and the Open Internet in the afternoon. On September 19th, the morning topic will be Effective Enforcement of Open Internet Requirements and the afternoon discussion will focus on Technological Aspects of an Open Internet. On October 2, the Commission will examine the Economics of Broadband: Market Successes and Market Failures, and on October 7, the topic will be Internet Openness and the Law.
The Open Internet NPRM 2014 is an attempt to create new rules defining an Open Internet after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in Washington, DC struck down the FCC's first attempt at "Net Neutrality" in January.