Internet Thailand deploys LightPointe optical wireless bridges
November 1, 2004 San Diego, CA -- Internet Thailand Public Co. Ltd. (INET), an ISP and network infrastructure provider for e-commerce, has deployed FlightSpectrum optical wireless bridges from LightPointe, a designer and manufacturer of optical wireless products based on free-space optics (FSO) technology, to expedite high-speed MetroLAN Internet services to Bangkok-area businesses. MetroLAN provides economical and reliable, high-speed access without the cost of upgrading equipment or pulling fiber-optic cable to each location.
LightPointe's FlightSpectrum provides 100-Mbit/sec building-to-building connections for INET, enabling the ISP to aggregate voice and data traffic from about two dozen buildings throughout downtown Bangkok to the company's 1-Gbit/sec network backbone. For tenants in MetroLAN buildings, INET installs a simple customer premises equipment (CPE) device that provides access to the Internet at 10-Mbit/sec increments, sufficient for a variety of multimedia applications including video streaming, video conferencing, graphic-rich websites, online services, and large database file transmissions. In most cases, the INET MetroLAN is operational within one day of installation.
According to Buncha Srisamanuwat, executive vice president, engineering group, for INET, LightPointe's optical wireless bridges have accelerated the deployment of the company's MetroLAN services considerably, enabling INET to reduce the cost, time, and effort associated with implementing high-speed broadband services. "LightPointe's FlightSpectrum optical wireless bridges give us all the performance and reliability we require, at a fraction of the expense and time it would have taken to install fiber or implement a microwave or RF solution," said Srisamanuwat. "As a result, we can respond to our customers' demands for economical, high-capacity bandwidth much faster while speeding the development of a new, more profitable revenue stream."
LightPointe's FlightSpectrum features the company's multi-beam, multi-path technology for additional resiliency and network redundancy. For service providers, the FlightSpectrum offers high network availability with a range of bandwidth and distance options to meet a variety of LAN, mobile wireless backhaul, and metro access applications. In particular, ease of use and installation simplicity across LightPointe's entire Flight family of optical wireless bridges helps service providers better leverage existing capital budgets.