Internet user trends include longer daily usage and demand for high-speed access
Approximately 107 million adult Americans are now using the Internet, according to a new study from The Strategis Group, an e-data resource group based in Washington, DC. The report also reveals an increase in the level of sophistication among users. About 53% of U.S. adults now use the Internet, up from 65 million in mid-1998 and 84 million at the end of 1998.
"Internet User Trends: End-Year 1999" is a comprehensive study of Internet usage and e-commerce patterns of Americans at home and work. The study, conducted twice a year, reveals how, where, when, and why people use the Internet, including their attitudes toward Internet service providers, high-speed access, and wireless access.
The rise in sophistication of users is evidenced by the following statistics reported by Strategis in its latest research:
- 77% of all users send e-mails with files or attachments weekly.
- The average user sends and receives 18 e-mails per day.
- Daily Internet use has risen 61% for home users and 69% for work users.
- One out of every five users has created or updated a Web page within the last three months.
The research also revealed that 5% of U.S. Internet users currently have high-speed access at home.
In fact, 32% expressed an interest in high-speed access at a price of $40 per month, with more than half interested in $25 per month. Users have no strong preference between the use of cable modems versus digital-subscriber-line access.
Analysts at Strategis also point out that the residential high-speed Internet market is currently constrained by supply. It's a case of "if you build it, they will come," meaning subscribers are waiting in line for networks to upgrade service offerings. According to Strategis forecasts, growth in supply and new demand will result in 25 million broadband households by 2004.
The complete report is available from Strategis by contacting an account executive at (202) 530-7500, fax (202) 293-7933, or e-mail: [email protected].