All this Internet traffic will necessitate denser equipment solutions. "Bandwidth requirements at all points in the network will continue to increase," asserts Tracey Vanik, director of edge switching and routing at RHK. To support continued traffic growth, service providers and carriers will need to deploy systems with higher capacities, she adds.
RHK predicts that future Internet growth will be fueled by an increase in data-intensive applications and faster access technologies for the home and business. DSL and cable modems currently serve 1.5 million homes in North America. While that seems like a large number, it represents only 1% of the homes in the United States and Canada. New forms of wireless communications will also increase domestic and international access options even in less developed countries.
RHK's study also determined that streaming media currently accounts for 10% of all Internet traffic, while the relatively new voice- and fax-over-Internet-protocol market captures 2-3%.
Based on interviews with engineers at top Internet backbone operation centers, regional traffic requirements, and network statistics, RHK's "Internet Traffic Report" addresses the needs of service providers and vendors seeking information about traffic patterns and the drivers of future growth. The report also considers the amount of network equipment being deployed in In ternet backbones and edge topology. For more detailed information, visit, or call (650) 737-9600.