Opto Diode introduces a high-speed photodetector with a circular active area of 5 mm diameter (typically 20 mm²). It is ideal for high-speed detection of low-energy electrons or X-rays. The AXUV20HS1 is one of several AXUV detectors that feature high performance measurement of photons, electrons, or X-rays. The device features electron detection to 200 eV. The high-speed detector has a typical rise time of 3.5 nanoseconds. Storage and operating temperatures range from -10 °C to +40 °C (ambient) and from -20 °C to +80 °C in nitrogen or vacuum environments. The lead soldering temperature is 260 °C. Opto Diode’s high-speed photodiode is shipped with a protective cover plate to safeguard the photodiode chip and wire bonds.To view the responsivity graphs for the AXUV20HS1 photodiodes, please go to Opto Diode’s data sheet here: https://optodiode.com/pdf/AXUV20HS1DS.pdf.To learn more about Opto Diode’s AXUV family of detectors that detect energy from 100eV to 50keV for the measurement of photons, electrons, or X-rays from 0.0124 nm to 190 nm, please contact [email protected] or visit: https://optodiode.com/photodiodes-axuv-detectors.html.