Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) brought its number of announced broadband stimulus projects to 69 with the revelation that Southeast Nebraska Communications, Inc. (SNC) and Peoples Telecommunications, LLC will use elements of the Calix Unified Access portfolio in their projects. Both companies plan GPON infrastructures with to support services as great as 1 Gbps using the Calix 700GE family of optical network terminals (ONTs).
SNC will add to the number of Calix B6 Ethernet Service Access Nodes (ESANs) already deployed widely in its network. The service provider will use its $11.3 million broadband stimulus award, which consists of a $7.9 million grant and a $3.4 million loan (of which only a portion is for access equipment), to offer advanced broadband services to its rural customers outside of the town of Falls City, NE. The new footprint will address approximately 3,000 people, 50 businesses, and 20 community institutions.
"Access to robust broadband services has become a necessity, and we're excited to have the opportunity to bring fiber to the rural communities we serve," said Ray Joy, vice president and general manager at SNC. "With this award, we are implementing one of the nation's most advanced communications infrastructures with nearly unlimited capacity. This network will not only allow for remarkable expanded phone and internet services to our subscribers now, but also for new applications that our subscribers will desire in the future."
Peoples, a new Calix customer, will deploy the Calix E7 Ethernet Service Access Platform (ESAP), thanks to a $7.8 million award, which consists of a $3.9 million grant and a $3.9 million loan (which again covers more than access equipment). The project is designed to bring high-speed broadband services to the rural areas outside of LaCygne, KS.
"Our broadband stimulus award will allow us to extend our fiber access network into the most rural areas of our LaCygne exchange, providing advanced broadband services to areas that otherwise would have been cost prohibitive to serve," said Kathy Billinger, CEO and general manager of Peoples. "We expect this network expansion will deliver significant new opportunities for the deserving citizens of these rural areas. In Calix, we've found an experienced partner who can help us bring these critical advanced services to our region."
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