Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) says that broadband stimulus award winner Slic Network Solutions has chosen the Calix B6 Ethernet Service Access Node (ESAN) for the broadband stimulus project in St. Lawrence County, NY. This decision complements another Slic broadband stimulus project which serves underdeveloped broadband regions of neighboring Franklin Country. Both projects will use the B6 ESAN and 700GE family of optical network terminals (ONTs) to bring voice, data, and internet protocol television (IPTV) services to rural parts of northern New York. These two projects will service 6556 residences and 181 businesses and anchor institutions, and leverage over $33 million in funds, of which only a portion is access equipment.
"The advanced broadband services that these projects will bring to our region are critical to closing the digital divide that exists between those in population centers and those in rural areas," said Phil Wagschal, president at Slic. "We see Calix as a key partner to the success of these projects, as they bring advanced, scalable solutions to our region."
The Slic stimulus project in St. Lawrence County consists of a $27.8 million award, and includes a $20.9 million grant and $6.9 million loan, of which only a portion is for access equipment. Slic will pull 660 miles of fiber optic cable in the county for this project, passing 5856 homes, 112 businesses, and 30 critical community institutions. Similar to the Franklin County Stimulus project, the B6 ESAN will deliver services using GPON technology, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet for sub 50 ms Ethernet Protection Switching (EPS) access transport services.
Calix vendor selections by broadband stimulus winners for "last mile" and "middle mile" awards have now reached 61 different projects representing approximately $1.2 billion in Stimulus-related grants, loans, and private investment for plant engineering, materials, labor, and other costs, including access equipment.