Turkcell (NYSE:TKC, ISE: TCELL) says that its fully owned subsidiary, Superonline, is now offering 1-Gbps Internet service via its fiber to the home (FTTH) network. The service will be offered under the “Turkcell Superonline” brand name.
Commented Turkcell CEO Süreyya Ciliv. “Through our investments, amounting to 1.4 billion TRY over the past three years, Turkcell Superonline has continued to pioneer the fiber-optic era in Turkey and increased its contribution to the Turkcell Group. And today, we are proud to provide a 1,000-Mbps Internet speed service in Turkey by continuing under the new brand name of Turkcell Superonline to offer ‘More of Life, and More of Technology’with the synergy set to be created through the power of two large Turkish companies.”
Added Turkcell Superonline General Manager Murat Erkan, “In another innovation to redefine standards in Turkey, we have increased the base Internet speed to 20 Mbps from 10 Mbps. In the upcoming period, we will continue our new generation fiber infrastructure investments to provide more advanced technologies.”
Turkcell Superonline is present in 73 cities, with more than a 25,000 km of fiber infrastructure, passing almost 700,000 homes. By the end of 2011, the company expects its fiber backbone will have reached 28,000 km, with homes passed increasing to 1 million, across 10 cities. The service provider also has eight international gateways.
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