SEPTEMBER 24, 2009 -- The Fiber Optics Association (FOA) has published a new textbook on fiber optics, The FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics. The textbook is designed to be used for training fiber-optic technicians, studying for FOA certification, and as a reference guide for anyone interested in fiber optics. This textbook was developed from new material on the FOA Online Reference Guide web site and is complemented by web pages on additional topics. The book is available from Amazon for only $24.95 and will soon be available on the Amazon Kindle electronic book reader.
The organization has reorganized the materials in the new book to make them better arranged for training. New materials on fiber-optic datalinks, FTTH, and testing has been added, as well as complete new chapters on fiber-optic network design and installation as requested by students, instructors, and other FOA members.
Supplementary materials are available on the FOA Reference Guide web site.
The FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics will be used as the new reference guide for training students for the FOA Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT) certification in 2010.
Author Jim Hayes has more than 30 years of experience in the fiber-optic communications industry as an technologist, entrepreneur, and trainer. He is a cofounder of the FOA, author of several textbooks on fiber optics, and a columnist for several magazines.
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