MAY 7, 2007 -- Corning Cable Systems LLC (search for Corning Cable Systems), part of Corning Inc.'s Telecommunications segment, and PAXIO Inc. (search for PAXIO) are working together through the Corning Connected Community Program to bring fiber to the home (FTTH) to developers and homeowners.
Corning Cable Systems developed the Corning Connected Community Program to assist homebuilders and community developers in implementing fiber-optic infrastructures into their building plans. PAXIO, which deploys last-mile fiber networks to residential communities and commercial centers, is the program's newest "aggregator" member and will extend its membership benefits to the home developers with which it works.
To qualify as a Corning Connected Community, each connected neighborhood must provide symmetrical service to all homes via fiber-optic connection directly to the home. Most of today's non-fiber broadband technologies, such as cable modem and DSL, offer not only lower speeds, but also asymmetrical service, meaning higher data rates downstream to the home and much slower speeds upstream from the home.
"Fiber-to-the-home networks offer home developers and consumers virtually limitless bandwidth potential," said Phillip Clark, founder and president of PAXIO. "Working with Corning through the Corning Connected Community Program, we can educate our customers on the benefits of FTTH and increase the technology's visibility."
Corning Cable Systems will provide PAXIO with its FTTH products and services. In addition, Corning Cable Systems will help educate potential PAXIO customers on the benefits of FTTH and the Corning Connected Community Program.
"PAXIO's leadership position in delivering new and advanced services over first-class FTTH networks makes them a valuable member of the Corning Connected Community Program," said Bernhard Deutsch, director of marketing and market development for Corning Cable Systems Public Networks. "We look forward to a continued relationship with PAXIO, improving deployment and service offerings and providing land developers and home builders with resources they need to deploy state-of-the-art FTTH networks."
Visit Corning Cable Systems
Visit PAXIO Inc.