Competisys Corporation, an integrated utilities company based in Irvine, Calif., announced it will deliver bundled services over fiber optic Gigabit Ethernet networks directly into businesses and residences. Using World Wide Packets' Ethernet to the Subscriber solution, Competisys will provide integrated telephone, video (cable television and other video products) and high-speed Internet services over a connection that is up to 1,000 times the performance of most current broadband alternatives.
The fiber-based system will first be deployed in the Schuler Homes development of Poppy Meadows in American Canyon, Calif. Service will begin July 2001 in a model home environment, which will also be used as a demonstration facility for potential customers and for prearranged tours by those wanting to see the first all-digital Ethernet to the Subscriber community in Northern California. The complete package of services to the residents will follow in approximately twelve weeks.
By bringing fiber directly into the home, the bottleneck in the "first mile" that slows down data rates is eliminated. Therefore customers receive benefits such as true DVD quality video-on-demand; personal video recording capabilities; approximately 200 digital television stations and over 35 digital music stations broadcast in digital surround sound; low-cost long-distance calling; remote access to online billing; true telecommuting; virtual private networks; and Internet access. In addition, customers will receive competitively priced telephone, television and Internet services on one bill, payable electronically through a secure site on the community portal.
About Competisys:
Competisys Corporation integrates energy and direct-fiber optic broadband solutions for new residential and commercial properties and cities by providing telephone, television, Internet, gas, and electric services. For more information, visit
About World Wide Packets:
World Wide Packets is a solutions provider for optical broadband connectivity. The company designs, develops and manufactures optical access network solutions. For more information, visit