Optical Solutions Inc., a provider of fiber-optic voice, video and data solutions for the home and broader community, announced it has been awarded a multi-year contract by Gervais Telephone Company, an independent local exchange carrier that serves portions of Oregon's agricultural region, the Willamette Valley.
Optical Solutions will provide its new, next-generation FiberPath 400 system for the overlay deployment, which will be concentrated in a new section of Woodburn (pop. 20,100), 25 miles south of Portland. DataVision Communications, a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) and division of Gervais Telephone, will be responsible for the fiber overbuild. DataVision will compete with the incumbent Bell operating company and incumbent cable television provider in the area.
Construction of the fiber-optic network is slated for this summer. The first phase will involve a new housing development, and a subsequent phase will involve a new, commercially zoned tract of land adjoining Interstate Highway 5. The entire build-out is expected to be completed by 2003.
Optical Solutions' new FiberPath 400 offers end-users up to 100 Mbps data speeds, IP streaming media, hundreds of channels of entertainment television and multiple telephone lines. FiberPath 400 transmits these services directly to the home, business and broader community via a passive optical network (PON), which allows the service provider maximum flexibility and cost-savings for construction and maintenance. In the tradition of FiberPath, the new FiberPath 400 is purely optical, with no commingling of copper or coax near the customer premise, and no special wiring required within the home or business.
About Optical Solutions Inc.:
Optical Solutions Inc. offers its patented FiberPath fiber-to-the-home solution, which incorporates a passive optical network (PON) for broadband delivery of voice, video and high-speed data directly to the home and broader community. For more information, visit www.opticalsolutions.com.