Applied Innovation Inc., provider of network management solutions, has announced the implementation of a network operations center (NOC) for D&E Communications, a regional telephone and data service provider headquartered in Pennsylvania.
The advanced operations center, located in Lancaster County, PA, provides out-of-band visibility and management to elements in D&E Communications' network. As part of the implementation, Applied Innovation designed, installed, and tested a video switching system to display NEweb, AIwatch and other video outputs to four 42-inch display units, plus up to 100 PC monitors in the NOC.
"Applied Innovation's mediation and network management products give D&E Communications a scalable operations network to support future growth and a multi-protocol mediation platform to accommodate the rapid deployment of new elements and service," explains Greg Strunk, vice president of operations at D&E Communications. "Our operating personnel can obtain systems and network information from any access point across the network, reducing operating costs and increasing efficiency."
Applied Innovation (Columbus, OH) designs, manufactures, and deploys management solutions for simplifying the control of physically dispersed and technically diverse network elements. For more information, visit the company's Web site at
D&E Communications Inc., a regional Integrated Communications Provider, has operated telephone service in northern Lancaster County, PA, for more than 90 years. For more information, visit the company's Web site at