Pivotal Corporation (NASDAQ:PVTL)(TSE:PVT.) announced that FLAG Telecom, an independent global carrier, has selected the Microsoft-based Pivotal eRelationship CRM solution suite for its robust functionality, scalability and agile customization tools which are critical to FLAG's strategy to expand rapid business growth and improve global account management.
FLAG Telecom was founded in 1990 to provide a global high-bandwidth service using fiber optic cable technology. The company selected the Pivotal eRelationship CRM solution suite to assist in the global mobile deployment of its sales of long-distance high-bandwidth capacity to other telecoms operators. The use of customer relationship management (CRM) to support this process is a new venture for FLAG Telecom and is necessary to meet the expansion expected with the completion of its global network. CRM is a critical component of demand chain management.
Deployment has begun in the UK and will be rolled-out across FLAG Telecom's worldwide territories over the next few months. An important factor in the decision was the strong relationship between Pivotal and Microsoft. Another consideration for FLAG Telecom when choosing its CRM solution was the need to provide its sales force with more structured information systems.
The Pivotal eRelationship CRM solution suite is a customer relationship management solution that allows companies to increase revenue generation and customer retention by synchronizing market, sales, and customer service activities over the Internet.
About FLAG Telecom:
FLAG Telecom is an independent global carriers' carrier providing products and services to the international carrier community, Application Service Providers (ASPs) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) across a global network platform optimized to support the next generation of IP over optical data networks. For more information, visit www.flagtelecom.com.
About Pivotal Corporation:
Pivotal Corporation enables large and medium-sized businesses to make, serve, and manage customers with speed and efficiency by providing XML-based demand chain networks that deliver personalized customer experiences across every touch point in real-time. For more information, visit www.pivotal.com.