American Fiber Systems (AFS), an independent provider of "dark" fiber-optic communication networks for carriers and service providers in U.S. cities with populations of 300,000 to three million, announced it has joined the Level 3 Communications' Solution Provider Program.
According to the agreement, Level 3 customers will now have immediate access to AFS dark fiber solutions in Kansas City, St. Louis, Cleveland, Nashville, Salt Lake City and Hartford, and future access to over 100 more U.S. cities that AFS plans to build over the next eight years. Additionally, AFS and Level 3 will refer customers to each other.
About American Fiber Systems:
American Fiber Systems, Inc. is an independent provider of metropolitan dark fiber-optic communications networks for carriers and service providers in mid-sized U.S. cities. The company designs, deploys and leases high-fiber-count, full-spectrum, dark-fiber networks. For more information, visit