ANDA Networks has announced a feature-rich, optical concentration device, the ANDA UAP 2000 Optical Concentration Device (OCD), designed for major carriers requiring OSMINE-compliant systems and components.
Using a cell-multiplexing BUS architecture, the ANDA-based UAP 2000 OCD aggregates and concentrates OC-3, DS-3 and DS-1 ATM circuit traffic from local or remote access devices and DSLAMs so that higher-density, groomed traffic can be transported economically to one or more ISP's ATM switches. These switches are typically collocated with an OCD solution, or located within remote central offices.
"We believe there is increasing demand for OCDs in edge network platforms to cost-effectively collect and consolidate high-capacity optical traffic moving to and from metro rings down to end users while also lowering back-haul costs," claims Charles R. Kenmore, president and CEO of ANDA Networks.
The UAP 2000 OCD can be equipped with up to 16 dual-interface ATM cards for a total port density of 32 per system. It is scaleable and supports multiple ATM OC-3c,
ATM DS-3 and DS-1 interfaces now, and OC-12 interfaces by Q1 of 2002.
The UAP 2000 OCD has a 1.244 Gbit/sec backplane capacity in its entry-level configuration (TDM/SONET/ATM). In the next release, system throughput will be scalable up to 40 Gbits/sec, claims the company.
ANDA's UAP 2000 OCD comes with a fully integrated EMS system enabling remote access and management through a variety of standard interfaces, including CORBA, SNMP, Local Craft, Telnet, HTTP Web GUI and TL1. It provides end-to-end provisioning capability and network operations center visibility all the way to the Internet access devices connected to it. In addition, the device features a resilient platform hardened for outside environments and can be deployed in Controlled Environment Vaults and huts, say company representatives.
ANDA Networks (San Jose) provides carrier class access/gateway, aggregation and concentration devices for legacy networks today, and a migration path to the voice/data networks of tomorrow. For more information, visit the company's Web site at .