MAYAN Networks announced successful interoperability testing between their Unifier SMX Multi-Service SONET platform, and Add-Drop Multiplexers (ADMs) from Nortel, Fujitsu and Marconi, companies that represent a good portion of the installed base of SONET ADMs. This announcement marks a major milestone in MAYAN's mission to become a known provider of TDM-to-IP migration platforms designed for metropolitan area networks.
Full SONET interoperability occurs through adhering to strict SONET standards for network control and signaling through the Digital Communications Channel (DCC) in the SONET transmission frame. While the standard is explicit, each legacy vendor has adopted a slightly different twist on the standard, requiring separate code to be written if other vendors' products must interoperate.
About MAYAN Networks:
MAYAN Networks was founded in 1998 to simplify the delivery of services and to reduce cost and complexity at the optical network edge. For more information, visit Access to interoperability documentation can be obtained by special request.