Arne Leinse, Project-/account manager Vice President, LioniX, received a M.Sc. degree from the University of Twente in the integrated Optical Microsystems group in 2001. In this same group he started his PhD work on the topic of active micro-ring resonators for various optical applications. His PhD work was carried out in the framework of a European project (IST 2000-28018 “Next generation Active Integrated optic Sub-systems”) and his thesis was titled: 'Polymeric micro-ring resonator based electro-optic modulator'. In 2005 he joined LioniX BV where he was involved in the invention and development of the TriPleX™ platform from the beginning. He has been involved from the original concept until the exploitation. He is now as a project-/account manager involved in a variety of integrated optical projects and involved in the strategic roadmap of the technology and LioniX. (