Compiled by LEAH GLADU
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The GainNet M8 multiport amplifier combines eight integrated amplifiers in a single package, sharing common pump lasers. The amplifier provides gain for eight independent signals (i.e., eight cable-TV streams, eight 32-channel DWDM signals, or eight individual DWDM channels), and delivers up to 1 W of output power. The GainNet M8 can be used in different configurations, including an "eight-in-one" parallel mode, where eight independent amplifiers can connect to as many as eight optical-fiber cables, each carrying WDM bit streams. The amplifier also can incorporate components such as gain-flattening and dispersion-compensating filters.
Southampton Photonics
Southampton, UK
Laser-diode modules
These two MQW-structured 1,310-nm laser-diode modules are designed for a wide range of communication applications, including short- and medium-range optical data links, optical LANs, and subscriber loops. They feature rugged, hermetically sealed TO-18 packaging and can operate at high ambient temperatures without requiring a TE cooler. They also feature an InAlGaAs/InP die composition, include a built-in monitor photodiode, and are available in versions with either a flat window or a ball lens cap to match the optical fiber to which they will be attached. These modules comply with Telcordia requirements.
Lumex Inc.
Palatine, IL
Photodiode meter
The Model 2500 Dual Photodiode Meter tests laser-diode modules (LDMs), which are used in fiber-optic Internet and telecommunications networks, computer peripherals, and medical applications. The product has very fast low-level current measurement, optical power measurement, extended voltage output capability, and space-saving footprint. The Model 2500 is a dual-channel instrument: Channel 2 can be used as a separate, complete source/measure unit or in conjunction with channel 1 to measure additional parameters such as coupling efficiency between a laser-diode module and the pigtailed fiber.
Keithley Instruments Inc.
Multiservice provisioning platform
New capabilities have been added to the FLASH600 ADX system, which allows service providers to maximize the bandwidth efficiency of their networks, while reducing their cabling, footprint, and power requirements. These new capabilities, which include OC-48 optics, DS-1 tributaries, and a VT1.5 switch fabric, can be added with an in-service upgrade. The fully nonblocking 240x240 STS switching fabric and 1,344x1,344 virtual-tributary switching fabric allow the FLASH600 ADX to act as a 3/1 digital-crossconnect system to groom traffic from DS-1, DS-3, EC-1, and OC-12 tributary interfaces as well as across seven subtending rings.
Fujitsu Network Communications Inc.
Richardson, TX
Media-conversion solutions
These 11 new media-conversion products, designed to facilitate long-distance network segments, include simple converters as well as converters that incorporate switches. These devices convert copper or multimode-fiber network segments to singlemode, which helps network managers optimize cable-length distances in today's growing networks. All devices provide plug-and-play connectivity, easy-to-use diagnostics, a fiber-link test switch that allows on-the-spot checks of fiber connections between two media converters in back-to-back applications, and MissingLink, the company's management tool that provides communication between the converter and the hosts to allow quick status reporting.
Allied Telesyn International Corp.
Bothell, WA
FTTH convergence platform
HomePath is a fiber-optic transmission system that provides converged broadband services to individual homes. The system offers dedicated data rates of up to 25 Mbits/sec per home as well as the capacity to deliver more than 400 video channels simultaneously. HomePath also provides an upgrade path for voice services, with the option of either circuit-switched transmission or voice over Internet Protocol.
OnePath Networks
Princeton, NJ
EDFA module
The Metro-I, Metro-II, and Metro-III belong to the IntelliGain series of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. They are compact modules designed for OEM integration, where applications require moderate gain in a restricted-space environment and are designed and manufactured to meet Telcordia GR-1312-CORE requirements. Configurations include low-power consumption modules and "one-pump-split-to-N" modules, and applications include booster amplifiers and inline amplifiers and preamplifiers. These modules feature gain from 15 dB to 25 dB with low noise figure and broad bandwidth.
BaySpec Inc.
Fremont, CA
Synchronization system
The TimeHub 5500, a carrier-class building-integrated timing-supply (BITS) system, is designed to help telecommunications and Internet service providers improve quality of service and increase bandwidth as they upgrade their networks to meet modern service demands. The BITS system's architecture has 140 protected (1+1) outputs in a master shelf that occupies the same office space as older-generation products and satisfies the office requirement of NEBS Level 3 compliance. It is also fully redundant, so that input reference and output switching will not cause any phase hits in the network.
Symmetricom Inc.
San Jose, CA
Network-access devices
This family of bidirectional optical-networking units (ONUs) integrate video receivers and high-bandwidth data transceivers in compact packages that consume less than 2 W of power. The fiber-to-the-curb ONU can receive up to 110 cable channels over a 1-GHz downstream path, while the fiber-to-the-home ONU can also receive 192 direct-broadcast satellite channels over a 2-GHz path. Both units support bidirectional data at rates up to 100 Mbits/sec for telephony and Internet access. The downstream video path to the ONUs is on an optical wavelength of 1,550 nm, and the full-duplex, bidirectional data/voice path is on an optical wavelength of 1,310 nm.
Lucent Technologies
Murray Hill, NJ
Digital HFC product
The first product in a new family of digital HFC products, the Optiworx Digital Return Transmission System deploys voice, data, and video for residential and business applications. It has a patented dynamic range extender circuit, which provides a wide operating range, according to the company. The system is composed of an ISX 1310-nm return transmitter module and a return receiver module. The system is transparent to DOCSIS cable-modem standards and transports a full array of signal formats, including QPSK, QAM, and OFDM.
ADC Telecommunications
LC connectors and adapters
The 731 series of LC connectors utilizes precision ceramic ferrules to ensure low insertion loss, high repeatability, low backreflections, and ease of assembly. These connectors are available in singlemode and multimode configurations and are fully compliant with industry-standard LC system products. The 740 series of LC adapters support the company's LC interconnection system and are designed to fit SC adapter cutout footprints, which significantly eases the transition from SC-to-LC implementation. These LC small-form-factor connectors are designed for application in optical transport, fast Ethernet, DWDM systems, and throughout the optical access network where density and performance are critical.
Alliance Fiber Optic Products Inc.
Sunnyvale, CA
Clock and data recovery IC
The Si5020 multirate SONET/SDH clock and data recovery (CDR) integrated circuit is the first product in the company's SiPHY family of high-speed physical-layer ICs. Fully compliant with SONET/ SDH and Gigabit Ethernet, the Si5020 requires only 16 mm2 of board space, making it five times smaller than comparable CDRs, according to the company. The product uses the company's proprietary DSPLL technology, which simplifies achieving SONET/SDH jitter compliance in multigigabit fiber-optic communications systems, including optical-transceiver modules, digital crossconets, and SONET/SDH/ATM routers, test equipment, and regenerators.
Silicon Laboratories
Austin, TX
Telecom grating
This 600-l/mm grating is designed for use in telecommunications applications. It simplifies system design as a result of relatively flat response in the telecommunications band, which eliminates the need for polarizing elements to maintain high efficiency. The grating is engineered to provide both high efficiency and low polarization dependence between 1,500 and 1,600 nm, making it a good choice for a wide variety of WDM and other NIR applications. The grating is available in standard and custom sizes from 6 to 50 mm2. An aluminum coating is standard, and an optional gold coating is available.
Optometrics USA Inc.
Ayer, MA
Fiber-optic interfaces
This line of fiber-optic interface modules for PROFIBUS networks provides long-distance reach, a fast data rate of 12 Mbits/sec, and virtually unlimited cascade distance. The OZD Profi G12 FiberINTERFACE modules provide cost-effective use, while ensuring fail-safe, high-speed data transmission for product automation, process control, medical technology, and other industrial automation and control applications.
The OZD Profi modules provide cost reductions to end users through reliable operation and straightforward, easy service and installation. High-speed redundancy with duplex rings decreases the risk of downtime and associated costs. The interfaces reduce installation, engineering, and product design costs. In addition, built-in diagnostic functions such as LEDs and alarm relays reduce service and maintenance costs. The module offers a free choice of network topology using redundant ring, star, and line structures in a variety of combinations. They can be used in singlemode fiber-optic connections up to 9.3 mi; with cascading, the distance can be increased several hundred miles. Even with long fiber-optic connections, the OZD Profi has no transmission rate or bandwidth limitations and is totally transparent to the system. It is ideal for use in harsh environments. It has a robust die-cast metal housing, offers RFI/EMI shielding, and has an operating temperature of -20° to +60°C.
Hirschmann Inc.
Pine Brook, NJ
Fiber-optic LEDs
These products use the industry-standard 1,000-micron-core 2.2-mm jacket plastic fiber. When this fiber is used with these LEDs, it requires no termination or polishing of fiber ends. These two LEDs are direct mechanical and electrical replacements of the obsolete Motorola fiber-optic LEDs MFOE71 and MFOE76. Price ranges from $1 to $2.50 in quantity.
Industrial Fiber Optics
Tempe, AZ
Conditioning cables
These Mode Conditioning Cables are applied in applications where new high-speed Gigabit Ethernet 1000Base-LX routers and switches are being deployed into existing multimode plants. The cables allow for singlemode Gigabit Ethernet signal to be sent over existing multimode fiber. These cables are fully compliant with IEEE 802.3z application standards.
Fiberdyne Labs Inc.
Frankfort, NY
The S7022 is a 2.5-Gbit/sec quad vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) driver, and the S7025 is a silicon germanium 2.5-Gbit/sec quad transimpedance amplifier with integrated limiting amplifier and loss-of-signal detection circuitry. The chipset enables parallel optical links up to 300 m for rack-to-rack, chassis-to-chassis, and board-to-board connectivity in applications of bandwidth expansion for terabit network equipment. The chipset can be used in conjunction with the S3457 transceiver to provide a 10-Gbit/sec bidirectional very-short-reach OC-192 link. These products were developed to address low power, low cost, and small-form-factor requirements, and designed for compliance with IEEE's 802.3z specifications.
San Diego
Fiber-optic managementThe Interlink Cabling System has expanded to include FiberSmart, a full range of rack-mount fiber-management products. The RACK Series can be mounted in 19- or 23-inch equipment frames, and patch capacities include 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 144 ports. The Rack Patch Splice Series rack-mount patch/splice center can accommodate up to 44 patch and splice channels. The Point-of-Presence Series provides a solution for terminating outside-plant cable to fiber-optic terminal equipment and can be prewired for singlemode and multimode applications. The Prewired Pigtail Modules facilitate pigtail splicing in the main crossconnect or intermediate crossconnect. The RS6 Series patch-panel adapter strips are used with Interlink Cabling System wall- and rack-mount patch panels and rack-mount patch and splice bays. The SV432 splice vault is designed for splicing fiber-optic cables in building entrance and telco central-office environments. The ERACK termination and splice shelf panels employ an open-shelf design with a hinged/removable front panel. The Wiremold Co.West Hartford, CT
Two-rack unit panel
The 2RU panel, part of the Opt-X Fiber System, is a 3.5-inch high rack-mount unit that accommodates up to six mounting plates and can support a variety of different adapters, including ST, SC, and MT-RJ. The panel is constructed of rugged, 16-gauge heavy steel with a black painted finish and features trimmable, self-healing grommets for better fit and dust resistance at cable egress/ ingress points. It includes improved hook and loop cable management and enhanced labeling options. Dual fiber cable management rings within the unit ensure safe cable bend radius and allow storage of up to 3 m of 900-micron fiber per coupling.
Bothell, WA
Rack system
The Cable Control Rack System is all aluminum with a hybrid baked powder-coat finish for corrosion protection and finish hardness. The unit is available in 10-32 or 12-24 drilled and tapped holes to the EIA universal hole standard. The system includes rack-top cable containment, cable access through the unit at 20 different locations from four sides, and the company's cable containment foot design. It also features universal wire tie mounts that are adaptable to both the inside and outside of the unit.
Integrating Systems and Technologies Inc.
Monon, IN
Tunable laserThe ECL-210 is a fully electronically tunable external-cavity laser. The slimline 19-inch rack houses up to eight channels and allows for full control through either the GPIB or RS-232 interfaces. The laser has a full 80-mm tuning range and covers all DWDM system wavelengths between 1,460 and 1,640 nm. The wide tuning range is complemented by high output power up to 10 mW and wavelength and power stabilities of better than 0.01 nm and 0.01 dB, respectively. SantecOxford, UK
OTDR module
The Fiber U optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) comes with software that converts the PC display into an OTDR display with the advantage of using the Windows operating system already familiar to PC users. It is available as the module alone or in a kit, which includes all accessories for field use. Kits are available for both multimode and singlemode testing, with options for any type of installation.
Medford, MA
Optical-fiber testers
The Ra Series offers a number of products that provide testing solutions for cabling installers and fiber-optic field technicians. The full line of products includes the FiberMeter, MicrOTDR Optical Fault Locator, FiberProbe Visible Fault Locator, FiberLive Light Detector, Dual Laser Source, 1,310-nm Laser Source, Dual LED Source, MM/SM Optical Power Meter, and High Intensity Optical Power Meter. All Ra Series optical light sources and power meters are housed in palm-sized cases and protected for field use with splash-proof membrane switches and protective rubber boots.
Datacom Textron
Everett, WA
Optical amplifier analyzer
The AQ8423Z optical amplifier analyzer employs the pulse method and is designed for applications with the AQ6317 Series optical spectrum analyzer. Covering both C- and L-bands, the analyzer can accurately measure noise figure and gain of optical-fiber amplifiers under multiplexed conditions, separate ASE light and amplified light, and achieve optimal minimum channel spacing of 25 GHz. The AQ6317 can also achieve measurement speed of 40 channels in 5 min.
Ando Electric Co.
Kanagawa, Japan
Fiber-optic field tester
The OV-2 is a handheld, multifunction fiber-optic field tester that performs distance and loss measurements in one unit. The product features single-button TOF operation, measures lengths of fibers in meters up to 20 km as well as individual connector losses, and serves as a complete high-resolution power meter and light source.
Fiber Instrument Sales Inc.
Oriskany, NY
Tunable-laser sources
These continuously tunable sources cover a range of 1,510 nm to 1,615 nm and have 65 dB of noise suppression. The IX-2600B and FLS-2600B are available in two configurations: a modular source for inclusion in an integrated test station and a standalone source for benchtop use. These doped-fiber sources provide extra-high spontaneous emission rejection and optical specifications for high-performance insertion loss and polarization-dependent-loss measurements. The erbium-doped fiber feature provides extra-high gain in the L-band, the selective filter techniques help reduce laser linewidth, and the step-by-step sweep mode enables integration in most test system architectures based on tunable lasers and power meters or optical-spectrum analyzers.
Quebec, Canada
Network-solutions catalog
This 200-page catalog is available on the company's FutureReady network-connectivity systems solutions for the enterprise and service-provider markets. The reference guide features products for connecting, routing, managing, and identifying network infrastructure. Detailed double- page cutaway diagrams illustrate where the company's products are used in commercial and high-rise buildings, healthcare, education, and manufacturing. There are also hundreds of close-up photos to help clearly identify the products being described and the features offered. Copies are available by calling 800-777-3300.
Panduit Corp.
Tinley Park, IL