Centerpoint extends FLAG Telecom's trans-oceanic network to New York, London, and Paris
Centerpoint Broadband Technologies Inc. has deployed and integrated its Celerity CP 3200 (formerly the Zaffire Z3000) DWDM equipment in several FLAG Telecom metropolitan area networks in North America and Europe.
The Celerity CP 3200 provides a network backbone that carries high-speed data traffic between FLAG Telecom's New York, London and Paris points-of-presence (PoPs) as part of its city-to-city trans-oceanic network, FLAG Atlantic-1 (FA-1). The Celerity
CP 3200 extends FLAG Telecom's 10 Gigabit-based DWDM networks and services to these metro areas, bringing IP wavelength and other services closer to end customers.
"Centerpoint provided the right mix of flexible and functional technology, compelling economics and technical support, to enable us to reach full service in our trans-oceanic loop system," contends Peter Boland, vice president of network engineering and planning for FLAG Telecom.
Centerpoint worked closely with FLAG Telecom to deploy and integrate the Celerity CP 3200 in the three metropolitan areas, sequentially increasing the traffic until the network was operating at full service by late November. The contract was signed in April 2001. The deployment and integration was completed within three months. This is the first phase of a rollout of metropolitan networks that FLAG Telecom is planning around the globe.
Centerpoint's Celerity CP 3200 provides a backbone that extends trans-oceanic 10 Gigabit-based DWDM networks and services to metropolitan areas. In addition, the Celerity CP 3200 supports a variety of traffic for FLAG Telecom's customers, including Internet Protocol (IP), SDH/SONET, along with the ability to overcome bandwidth overload by providing a ring of 10-Gigabit wavelength services.
Installation began in New York, followed by London and Paris with optical fiber connecting the sites. End-to-end testing of the system was completed shortly before the network began carrying live data traffic for FLAG Telecom in November 2001.
FLAG Telecom is a global network services provider and independent carriers' carrier providing a range of products and services to the international carrier community, ASPs and ISPs. For further information, visit
Centerpoint Broadband Technologies Inc.(San Jose) delivers high capacity optical and broadband wireless systems that allow service providers to build scalable, dynamically flexible, cost effective networks. For more information, visit Centerpoint at