Touch America selects Cisco Internet routers for broadband network expansion
Touch America, the broadband information transport subsidiary of The Montana Power Company (NYSE: MTP), announced it has selected Cisco's 12000 series Internet routers for Touch America's expanding and scalable next generation, long-haul fiber optic network. Using Cisco's high-performance, carrier-class routing equipment, Touch America will offer new IP generation network applications for customers from small businesses to national accounts and network solution providers.
Touch America, which invested $580 million in its network in 2000 and plans to invest another $450 million in 2001, presently has an 18,000-route-mile fiber optic and regional wireless broadband network that will expand to 26,000 miles by year-end 2001. The company provides private line, Frame/ATM and IP network applications for commercial and wholesale customers. Touch America provides scalable high-bandwidth products to large, worldwide networks.
Because Touch America bases its IP backbone on Cisco routers and switches, the company is recognized as a Cisco Powered Network for dedicated Internet access and integrated data over IP services. The Cisco Powered Network program was developed as a way for service providers to reinforce the quality and security of their end-to-end networks. Touch America also benefits from its Cisco Powered Network designation through joint marketing and technology activities with Cisco.
About touch America:
Touch America is a national broadband fiber-optic and regional wireless telecommunications company, providing customized voice, data, and video transport, as well as Internet services, to businesses and consumers. For more information, visit