Tellabs has added Optical Transport Network (OTN) switching to its Tellabs 7100 packet-optical transport system. The new capabilities extends what Bert Buescher, director, product management and marketing, optical transport solutions, at Tellabs, described to Lightwave as the 7100’s main differentiator – the ability to support a variety of switching functions.
The addition of OTN switching to the Tellabs 7100 Optical Transport System complements the platform’s existing native Ethernet, SONET/SDH, and ROADM-based optical switching, Buescher said. While OTN is frequently mentioned in the context of core networking, Buescher said the new capabilities for the 7100 packet-optical transport system are aimed at metro and regional networks. The system remains optimized for 10-Gbps transport with support for 40 Gbps – as well as 100 Gbps in the future.
The new capability has been released to customers and is currently in lab trials, Buescher said.
Buescher expects the new capabilities will have global appeal, although he said that demand in EMEA and Asia-Pacific will be initially the strongest.
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