Optelian announces 80-channel, high-bandwidth optical networking platform
The LightGAIN optical networking platform from Optelian, a designer and manufacturer of optical transport systems, now has 80-channel DWDM capacity. Optelian is demonstrating the higher-bandwidth system at OFC/NFOEC (booth #2400) this week at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
The device’s high capacity is supported using 50 GHz spaced 80-channel multiplexers, two and four degree ROADMs, optical channel monitors, higher-powered optical fiber amplifiers, high-linearity fiber Bragg grating dispersion compensation modules, and tunable DWDM transponders. LightGAIN’s modularity enables network operators to start with a 40-channel system, and then grow to 80 channels by adding another 40-channel multiplexer, without disrupting traffic on existing channels.
This new high-bandwidth system is designed to benefit long-haul and metro network operators who anticipate high growth in their networks.
“Explosive bandwidth demands from mobile devices and over-the-top video services are driving the need for more transport capacity in optical networks,” says Sheldon Walklin, Optelian’s chief technology officer. “Our 80-channel solution is scalable, can be upgraded while in service, and is simple to manage. It has multi-degree ROADM capability with fully automated optical power management. Moreover, it is 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s ready, providing a future upgrade path to 8 Tb/s per fiber.”