Pangaea Networks, which offers wholesale multi-protocol metro Ethernet local loop connectivity, will use Ciena’s 3960 Service Delivery Switch in its metro backbone and to deliver Ethernet ring services, Ciena (NASDAQ:CIEN) says. Pangea will use the Ethernet access system part of Ciena’s Carrier Ethernet Service Delivery (CESD) line, for Ethernet business services aimed at service providers in the New York City and tri-state area.
Pangaea Networks offers service providers flat-rate Ethernet access to more than 2,700 enterprise buildings and interconnectivity to nearly all of the New York and New Jersey metro area data center and colocation facilities. The Ciena’s 3960 Service Delivery Switch will comprise part of Pangea Network’s metro network backbone architecture. The system also will support Pangaea’s PANMetro 10 GigE Ring service throughout New York and New Jersey. The PANMetro 10 GigE Ring provides any-to-any connectivity to major data centers in the region.
“Ciena’s CESD solutions are highly reliable, flexible, and cost-effective while also allowing for easy configuration and management. The company’s 3960 Service Delivery Switch gives us the ability to turn up bandwidth remotely to quickly meet spikes in customer demand, saving us the time and cost of truck rolls and giving our customers the advantage of assured connectivity,” said Matt O’Leary, vice president of engineering and network planning at Pangaea Networks.
For more information on Carrier Ethernet equipment and suppliers, visit the Lightwave Buyers Guide.