JANUARY 28, 2011 -- US Conec has announced the immediate availability of the IBC Brand Cleaner M250 for 2.5-mm ferrule fiber-optic connectors. The M250 tool features the largest cleaning region commercially available, US Conec asserts.
The M250 tool is designed to clean SC, ST, FC, and E2000 connectors and most hardened 2.5-mm connectors used in harsh environment applications including the MIL DTL 83526. The tool uses a 1.8-mm synthetic, microfiber woven cloth that US Conec says will not scratch the fiber endface surface while removing dust particulates and liquid residues. The spring loaded tip of the M250 is engineered to ensure the optimal compression range for contact to the center of UPC and APC polished ferrules. An integrated magnet on the housing of the M250 gives the operator a hands free option by sticking the M250 tool to a rack or panel door during inspection or testing.
The alignment cap and cleaning tip are self aligning. The M250 uses a natural pushing motion for engagement and gives an audible “click” to alert the operator when the tool has been fully engaged.
The M250 tool has a life of at least 525 engagements and locks up at the end of the tool’s life to prevent accidental cross contamination.
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