A day after announcing KPN as a 100-Gbps customer (see “KPN International deploys Huawei’s coherent 100-Gbps WDM system”), Huawei disclosed that China Telecom also has deployed its 100-Gbps WDM technology, between metropolitan hubs Nanjing and Wuxi in the Jiangsu province of the Yangtze River Delta.
Huawei has supplied its 80-channel OptiX OSN 8800 for the OTN network. As is the case in KPN’s pan-European fiber-optic network, the Jiangsu links will be capable of carrying a mix of 100-Gbps and lower-rate wavelengths, Huawei says. The systems will support 100-Gbps over “hundreds of kilometers” without electrical regeneration, in Huawei’s words.
"The successful deployment of this 100G system with our strategic partner China Telecom has launched China into the ultra-broadband era," said Christian Chua, president of transport, Huawei. "100G is key to satisfying the growing demand for high-bandwidth services and enabling rapid telecommunications development to continue in China and around the world. We look forward to working with our global partners to continue providing high-quality, cost-effective solutions for the ultra-broadband era."