Orckit-Corrigent Ltd. (NASDAQ: ORCT) has teamed up with TELSOL, a turn-key telecommunications provider in Central America, to provide new packet-transport networking (PTN) equipment for cable television operator Cable Color. The Honduran company has selected Orckit-Corrigent’s IP/MPLS and MPLS-TP based CM-4000 PTN switches and the accompanying CM-View network management system.
"Cable Color continues to operate a highly advanced network using state-of-the-art technologies to provide a wide range of broadband services to our customers," said Cesar Rosenthal, CEO of Cable Color. "Orckit-Corrigent's solutions aggregate DSLAMs and transport 10-Gbps broadband with advanced traffic management and quality-of-service technologies to meet our specific technical and economical requirements.”
Orckit-Corrigent’s CM-4000 portfolio is a series of small, medium, and large capacity packet transport network switches designed to offer any combination of Ethernet, SDH, and PDH services to facilitate migration towards a unified packet network.
"Orckit-Corrigent is pleased to include Cable Color in our growing global customer base,” said Izhak Tamir, co-founder and president of Orckit Communications. "We announced the first deployment of CM-4000 products about two years ago and have since then significantly increased our presence and customer base in Central and Latin America, the Asia-Pacific, and Europe, with the addition of both Tier 1 and Tier 2 service providers."
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