JULY 16, 2007 -- ADVA Optical Networking (search for ADVA Optical Networking) has announced that the University of Illinois has deployed the ADVA Fiber Service Platform (FSP) 3000RE to expand both its intercampus data network and the networks of its three main campuses in Chicago, Springfield, and Urbana-Champaign.
Using the ADVA FSP 3000RE, the University of Illinois migrated from a dedicated point-to-point OC-3 circuit that connected the Urbana and Chicago campuses with a maximum capacity of 155 Mbits/sec to a dedicated DWDM backbone with the capacity to transport up to 3.2 Tbits/sec, achieved with 10 Gbits/sec per channel today and 40 Gbits/sec per channel in the future. Throughout the three campuses, the network extends a total distance of almost 1,000 km.
"In order to maintain our position as a top-tier research university and stay competitive with our peers, we knew we would have to augment our network to accommodate the demands of our growing campus population, most of whom use bandwidth-hungry applications on a regular basis," said Stan Yagi, assistant CIO, information technologies, at the university's Urbana campus.
According to the systems provider, the benefits of the increased bandwidth for the university include:
- Closer integration of campuses via high-speed network infrastructure
- Improved networking for education and course management supporting higher-bandwidth applications
- Enhanced support of internal as well as external research projects relying on access to large amounts of data and/or computational processing facilities
- Reliable high-speed connectivity to the national and internal research and education community via academic networks including Internet2 and National LambdaRail.
"We have deep and growing experience in the research and education community," said Brian McCann, chief marketing and strategy officer of ADVA Optical Networking. "Our customers trust us to understand their need to build networks on a flexible, scalable platform that enables high-capacity now, but even higher capacity later when their projects expand. We look forward to continued work with the University of Illinois in the future."
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