NEC Corp. (TSE: 6701) says it has joined the Telecom Infra Project's (TIP) Phoenix initiative, which is developing a 400G transponder for open and disaggregated DWDM networks. The company says it plans to release such a transponder next year alongside its ecosystem partners.
Part of TIP's Open Optical and Packet Transport (OOPT) Project Group, the Phoenix initiative is developing a transponder architecture that will promote the use of disaggregated, open hardware and software. NEC says it will act as a system integrator; its experience in supporting commercial Open RAN with ecosystem partners and in optical transport systems should give operators confidence that Phoenix transponders will deliver as advertised, the company believes.
"I believe NEC can provide flexible and optimal solutions that support the delivery of a variety of services provided by operators. Through the development of optical transmission systems that conform to open interfaces, we will keep working to enhance and expand optical networks worldwide," said Atsuo Kawamura, executive vice president of the Network Service Business Unit at NEC.
"Today's network operators need improved speed and agility to provide better connectivity for communities worldwide," commented David Hutton, TIP's chief engineer. "NEC participating in TIP's OOPT Project Group is welcome support for critical interoperability to prove that Phoenix use cases can be achieved with open disaggregated optical network architectures. We are excited to see NEC products compliant with TIP's Phoenix requirements as well as their capabilities as a system integrator."
Other systems houses who have backed TIP’s Phoenix effort include Cisco and Fujitsu (see “Cisco backs Telecom Infra Project’s Phoenix 400G transponder effort” and “Fujitsu contributes to TIP OOPT Phoenix 400G disaggregated transponder effort”).
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