Hibernia Networks touts protected wavelength service across transatlantic submarine network
Hibernia Networks now offers a protected wavelength service across its three submarine networks, including its flagship Hibernia Express submarine cable system (see "Hibernia Express transatlantic submarine cable network ready for service"). The fiber-optic network services provider will offer protected wavelengths initially at 10 Gbps, with the ability to move up to 100 Gbps service in the future.
"Network reliability continues to ever-increasingly be a top priority for all customers across all vertical segments," states Al DiGabriele, senior vice president of product management and marketing at Hibernia Networks. "The new Protected Wavelength Service provides customers with a secure, resilient and redundant connectivity solution to enable their business critical applications, giving them peace of mind that their network is running uninterrupted."
Hibernia Networks says the ability to leverage its three transatlantic undersea cable routes enables a high level of resiliency. These routes include Hibernia North and Hibernia South in addition to Hibernia Express. The company offers less than 50-ms failover switching to a fully dedicated alternative circuit for uninterrupted network connectivity.
"As expectations continue to rise in the market for fast, reliable Internet connectivity, network resiliency has become an important element of a connectivity service," stated Tim Stronge, vice president of research at TeleGeography. "A protected wavelength service is another high speed connectivity service option that enhances network redundancy, which is particularly attractive to ISPs and enterprises that can benefit from the cost efficiencies of this service."
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