Lightwave meter accessory
The HP 81002FF integrating sphere, an accessory for the HP 8153A lightwave multimeter, can measure optical power levels to 10 W with a typical attenuation of 40 dB. Light that is introduced into the sphere is reflected randomly off the sphere walls until it achieves a uniform, spatially integrated distribution. This integrating behavior allows measurement of optical signals from point sources such as single fibers and laser diodes with numerical apertures to NA 0.5, and open parallel beams with diameters to 9 mm. Users can also measure large emission sources, including ribbon-fiber connectors with up to 12 fibers and NA 0.3. The integrating sphere works with the lightwave multimeter`s optical heads over a 450- to 1650-nm wavelength range.
Hewlett-Packard Co.
Englewood, CO