40 Gbit/s Forum provides insight into the technology of advanced optical networks
Innovation enables successful organizations to outperform their competition by developing more effective products and by continually changing to embrace new opportunities. In association with Lightwave, Integrated Communications Design and Laser Focus World magazines, along with KMI Corp., WDM Solutions magazine presents the first in its event series: The 40 Gbit/s Forum. The 40 Gbit/s Forum is an opportunity that provides attendees with practical insight into the obstacles, opportunities, and schedule for implementing 40 Gbit/s (OC-768) technology in advanced optical networks.
The unique format of this program includes a luncheon featured speaker, excellent networking opportunities between colleagues and clients from around the world, and twelve sessions which cover the following topics:
* Issues concerning the use of available fiber, fiber performance, fiber impairments, and compensation for these impairments
* Component technologies: availability and performance of suitable lasers, modulators, receivers, and high-speed electronics
* System design issues
* Applications and carrier perspectives
This Forum is specifically designed for those who want to increase their knowledge of OC-768 technology and understand how component and systems manufacturers will apply the technology to meet the needs of their customers.
The 40 Gbit/s Forum is the only conference that focuses on the demands and potential of very high speed optical communications systems. It provides a hard look into trends in deployment and an understanding of how and where this technology may be applied. It is also the only conference of its caliber associated with the industry's leading magazines and research organization: WDM Solutions, Lightwave, Integrated Communications Design, Laser Focus World, and KMI Corp. The 40 Gbit/s Forum is also proudly co-sponsored by SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering.
The forum will take place during NFOEC 2001 on Sunday, July 8 in Baltimore. For additional information or to register for The 40 Gbit/s Forum contact the Registration Coordinator:
Phone: 603-891-9267
Fax: 603-891-9490
Inquiries: [email protected]
Web Site: http://wdm.pennnet.com/EVENTS/WDM/forum/wdm_forum.cfm?Section=Events&Subsection=2001