True grants three projects to ZTE for WDM backbone network upgrades
ZTE Corp. (0763.HK / 000063.SZ) says it has received awards for three fiber-optic network projects from Thailand's True. The three networks represent 75% of True's overall WDM fiber backbone upgrade efforts, which aim to support transmission rates beyond 100 Gbps.
True plans to enhance its WDM fiber backbone network with Optical Transport Network (OTN) cross-connection, intelligent provisioning, and ultra-long-distance transmission at rates up to 400 Gbps. ZTE says it will supply its WDM automatic switched optical network (WASON) technology. To support 400-Gbps optical transmission, the systems will leverage PM-QPSK/PM-16QAM modulation and coherent reception technology as well as soft-decision forward error correction (SD-FEC). The systems also will offer software-defined networking (SDN) capabilities.
Additional features of the DWDM systems include embedded optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) for fiber performance monitoring as well as colorless/directionless/contentionless flex-grid ROADM functionality.
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