Italy's GARR R&E network deploys Infinera DTN-X XTC
Optical transport systems vendor Infinera says it has supplied elements of its DTN-X XTC Series platforms to GARR, the Italian research and education (R&E) network, for a capacity upgrade. The new packet-optical transport systems also will enable GARR's network managers to more quickly and flexibly deploy bandwidth as need.
GARR supports about 1,000 user sites serving more than 2 million end users. The fiber-optic network also is connected to the GÉANT pan-European R&E network, which also employs the DTN-X (see "DANTE selects Infinera DTN-X platform for GEANT Research and Education Network").
The new optical transport platforms will enable GARR to deploy 500-Gbps superchannels, and dole out that capacity 100 Gbps at a time via the DTN-X's Instant Bandwidth capability, Infinera says. The XTC version of the DTN-X offers up to 12 Tbps of non-blocking Optical Transport Network (OTN) switching in a single bay, upgradeable from 5 Tbps.
"The innovative FlexCoherent Processor and PIC technology behind Infinera's Intelligent Transport Network provide GARR the advanced capabilities needed to deliver critical services to the research and university community across Italy," said Massimo Carboni, GARR CTO. "The flexibility, speed of service delivery, and rich network management system provided by the Infinera Intelligent Transport Network and Instant Bandwidth enable us to scale network bandwidth and accelerate service innovation to support large research and education development projects."
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