EXFO launches FiberBasix testers for enterprise network applications
May 12, 2004 Quebec City, Canada -- EXFO Electro-Optical Engineering Inc. today launched its new FiberBasix series of test instruments for the installation and maintenance of enterprise networks.
The new handheld testers--which include the EOT-100 Optical Loss Test Set, the ELS-100 Light Source, and the EPM-100 Power Meter--accurately measure signal attenuation in private optical networks, explain company representatives. An easy-to-use interface ensures error-free testing.
"EXFO has always prided itself on developing the most advanced, easy-to-use solutions that meet or exceed customer needs," contends �tienne Gagnon, EXFO's vice president of Physical-Layer Product Management. "This new line of handheld testers provides worry-free, straightforward testing and troubleshooting of enterprise networks. In addition, our FiberBasix solutions can be configured for testing passive optical networks in Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP) deployments," he adds.