SK Telecom deploys Huawei 200G optical transport ahead of 5G roll out
Huawei says it has supplied automatically switched optical network (ASON) platforms to SK Telecom. The South Korean service provider is using the optical transport systems to upgrade its 200-Gbps backbone to meet the expected traffic increase its future roll out of 5G wireless will create.
In addition to broadband services, SK Telecom plans to commercially trial a variety of 5G-enabled services, including mobile 3D imaging, ultra high definition video, hologram, and other emerging technologies. Each would create significant demands for backbone capacity.
Huawei says its OTN and ASON optical transport systems will support 200 Gbps currently and enable a smooth migration to 1 Tbps in the future. SK Telecom can opt to use a variety of optical modulation formats, including 16QAM, 8QAM, and QPSK, to meet its capacity and distance requirements. Meanwhile, the systems will interoperate with SK Telecom's already fielded mobile backhaul equipment, according to the systems house.
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