Progress Telecom, a carrier's carrier of broadband telecommunication services, announced it was one of two carriers to simultaneously connect revenue-producing circuits to the Network Access Point (NAP) of the Americas in Miami. Progress Telecom lit a 2.5 Gbps wavelength from its customer's location to the NAP, one of five Tier-1 Network Access Points in the world, owned and operated by Terremark Worldwide, Inc. (Amex: TWW).
The NAP of the Americas, which became operational in June 2001, is a primary channel of Internet traffic from Latin America and the Caribbean to North America, Europe and Africa. It is a high-speed Internet hub endorsed by a private consortium of over 100 telecommunications carriers, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), educational institutions and other telecommunications leaders. Progress Telecom is one of the 10 founding members of the consortium.
Progress Telecom's location in the NAP of the Americas allows it to provide customers with broadband connectivity and fast-lit fiber access to the company's broadband network. Progress Telecom's position in the NAP also enhances its strategic reach throughout its network in the eastern United States, as well as in Latin America through its alliance with Emergia, a Telefonica S.A. company.
About Progress Telecom:
Founded in 1998, Progress Telecom is a carrier's carrier providing wholesale telecommunications services throughout the Eastern United States. For more information, visit