Norlight Telecommunications, Inc., a supplier of wholesale carrier transport solutions and data communications services, announced a service upgrade with a Michigan Internet service provider, Merit Network, Inc. Norlight will upgrade MichNet, Merit's IP backbone network, with custom-designed OC-48 links each capable of carrying 2.4 gigabits of data traffic per second.
Merit Network, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote advanced Internet services for research and education. Merit provides Internet connectivity to 13 of Michigan's publicly funded universities, community colleges, K-12 schools, libraries, state agencies, cultural and research organizations. This upgrade will enable these organizations to use next-generation Internet applications and technologies, including interactive video, distance learning and real time access to powerful scientific instruments.
Merit expects this upgrade to meet the growth of their customers for the next three years. They will invest $10 million in their network infrastructure over the next three years for the OC-48 upgrade and other improvements.
About Norlight Telecommunications:
Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. is a provider of integrated communications solutions, and wholesale carrier transport solutions. For more information, visit
About Merit Network:
Merit develops and promotes advanced Internet services for research and education. For more information, visit