"Fiber Optic Cable Bend Test," TIA/EIA-455-88
The intent of this bend test is to determine the degree of cable degradation that will occur if the cable is statically bent around a corner of a given radius. Cables that are most likely to be subject to this type of bend in actual installation are building entrance cables, flexible cables and buried service type cables.
TIA/EIA-455-88 was created by TIA FO-6.7 Subcommittee on Cables.
"Measurement of Mode Field Diameter of Single-Mode Optical Fiber," TIA/EIA-455-191A
The document is a revision of TIA/EIA-455-191. It is intended to document the methods for measuring the mode field diameter (MFD) of single-mode fiber. The MFD represents a measure of the transverse extent of the electromagnetic field intensity of the mode in a fiber cross section. It is defined from the far-field intensity distribution, as a ratio of integrals known as the Petermann II definition.
FOTP-191 defines four methods of measuring the MFD. Information common to all the methods is found in the body of this document. Information specific to each method is found in a normative annex. The four methods are: a) direct far-field, b) variable aperture in the far-field, c) near-field and d) optical time domain reflectometer.
FOTP-191 was created by TIA FO-6.6 Subcommittee on Fibers and Materials.
"Launched Power Distribution Measurement Procedure for Graded-Index Multimode Fiber Transmitters," TIA/EIA-455-203
This FOTP sets forth a standard procedure for the collection of two-dimensional fiber optic nearfield grayscale data and subsequent reduction to one-dimensional data expressed as a set of three sampled parametric functions of radius from the fiber's optical center. This standard is intended to reduce measurement errors and inter-laboratory variation, supporting accurate mathematical prediction of minimum guaranteed link length in gigabit and ten gigabit fiber optic data communications systems.
FOTP-203 was created by TIA FO-2.3 Subcommittee on Opto-Electronic Sources, Detectors & Devices.
Telecommunications Systems Bulletin
The TIA also published a new telecommunications systems bulletin (TSB), "ITM-22, Continuous Wave Method for Measuring the Roman Gain Efficiency of Single-Mode Fibers," TSB62-22. This informative test memorandum describes a continuous wave method for measuring the Raman gain efficiency of a single-mode transmission optical fiber. This parameter is a measure of the fiber's efficiency at converting input pump power to information signal power. TSB62-22 was created by TIA FO-6.6 Subcommittee on Optical Fibers.
A TSB is not a standard, but rather, contains technical material that may be valuable to the industry and users.
About the TIA:
TIA is a trade association serving the communications and information technology industry. Through its activities, the association facilitates business development opportunities and a competitive market environment. The association provides a market-focused forum for its more than 1,100 member companies that manufacture or supply the products and services used in global communications. TIA represents the communications sector of the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA). For more information, visit www.tiaonline.org.