Sycamore to demonstrate successful implementation of OIF UNI 1.0 specification at SuperComm 2001
Sycamore Networks (NASDAQ: SCMR), a provider of intelligent optical networking, announced it will demonstrate successful implementation of the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) User Network Interface (UNI) 1.0 specification. The multi-vendor, multi-technology UNI interoperability demonstration will be held during SuperComm 2001 in Atlanta, June 3-7 at Booth #150D. The demonstration will include Sycamore's SN 16000 intelligent optical switch as a core device, interconnecting with a variety of IP, edge and other systems.
Beginning with its activity in the Optical Domain Service Interconnect (ODSI) coalition and continuing through its ongoing involvement in the OIF UNI 1.0 work, Sycamore continues provides customers with a broad range of interoperable solutions.
OIF's Interoperability Demo
The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) is sponsoring its first User Network Interface (UNI) Interoperability Demonstration at SuperComm in booth #150D in the Georgia Dome. This demonstration highlights OIF's UNI Protocol that allows client devices to dynamically establish and tear down optical circuit connections. The achievement of UNI interoperability is the first step toward allowing carriers to offer advanced optical network services across multi-vendor, multi-technology networks. OIF is a non-profit organization with 350+ member companies to date, including many carriers, and component and system vendors. The purpose of the OIF is to accelerate the deployment of interoperable, cost effective, and robust optical internetworks and their associated technologies. For more information, visit
About Sycamore Networks:
Sycamore Networks (NASDAQ: SCMR) develops and markets intelligent optical networking products that transport voice and data traffic over wavelengths of light. For more information, visit