RSoft Design Group has released Optical Communications Design Suite version 5.2, which includes OptSim and the multimode-focused ModeSYS. The upgraded photonics design automation software now includes the ability to design and simulate systems for 100 Gbps, including the use of polarization-multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PM-QPSK) with coherent detection.
Support for such designs as polarization induced all-optical switching systems, bi-directional Ethernet in the First Mile system, interferometry based systems, multimode systems with mode-coupling effects, and plastic optical fiber systems also is new to the software suite.
For 100-Gbps coherent applications, the suite offers a number of models, including:
- Constant-Modulus algorithm
- Viterbi-Viterbi phase estimation
- electronic and optical dispersion compensation
- DSP-based polarization recovery
- Kahunen-Loeve BER estimation
- direction error-counting beyond a million bits.
It also features dynamic phase tracking capability through LMS algorithm-based training sequence and decision-drive equalization to account for dynamic phenomena such as laser phase noise. Users also can incorporate various mismatch effects in the coherent reception such as the frequency and phase mismatch of the receiver local oscillator.
ModeSYS, meanwhile, now can account for mode coupling effects and offers improved support for large-core fiber with large modal volumes, such as plastic optical fiber.