Windstream Wholesale has noted the successful completion of the 400G ZR+ QSFP-DD-DCO optical transceivers it co-developed with II-VI Inc. (Nasdaq: IIVI; see “Windstream Wholesale receives 400G ZR+ QSFP-DD-DCO optical transceivers from II-VI”). The trials saw the 0-dBm optical modules transmit 400G across 1000 km. The field trial says the modules displayed “strong working margins” when used on a production network route as well as in a lab trial in which the transmission traversed up to 24 ROADMs.
For the trial, Windstream Wholesale established a 400G connection via 0-dBm ZR+ qualification units from II-VI over a greater than 1,000-km link between Phoenix and Los Angeles. The modules exhibited what the service provider asserted was a strong residual margin k with a power consumption of less than 20 W. The trial validated the suitability of the QSFP-DD-DCO optical transceivers for production use, Windstream Wholesale added.
“II-VI’s high transmit power 0-dBm 400G QSFP-DD DCO transceivers enable Windstream to deploy greatly simplified network architectures by optically connecting routers directly to access, metro, and regional transport networks without additional intermediary interfaces, eliminating an entire layer of optical equipment,” said Buddy Bayer, chief network officer at Windstream. “This revolution in IP-over-DWDM network architecture achieves significant savings in upfront costs and ongoing expenses, affording Windstream a highly competitive operational model.”
“Our partnership with Windstream on the joint development of the 0-dBm 400G ZR+ QSFP-DD-DCO transceivers has allowed II-VI to accelerate the technology development, as proven by the recent success in the field trials,” said Matthias Berger, vice president, coherent technology, at II-VI. “Demonstrating interoperability, low power dissipation, and native 0-dBm output is a ‘triple-play’ of features that will enable IP-over-DWDM for ROADM-based networks.”
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