13 June 2003 San Jose, CA Lightwave--New Focus announced an extension of its TLB-6500 swept-wavelength tunable laser product line with the addition of several key wavelength bands. New swept-wavelength lasers that enable high-speed testing of passive optical components are now available in the 980-nm band - for characterizing erbium-amplifier pump components - as well as the important telecom bands, including the O band (1260-1340 nm) and E+S bands (1425-1525 nm). Model TLB-6500-H-09 is the only swept-wavelength tunable laser offering at 980 nm available on the market today, according to the company. These new models join existing product offerings that already cover the C + L band (1520-1620 nm).
The TLB-6500 family of lasers was designed specifically for high-volume testing of high-performance WDM optical components, pump components and amplifiers. These lasers enable fast, high-resolution, low-noise measurements with 100 nm/sec mode-hop-free tuning, 30-pm open-loop accuracy, and rugged 24/7 reliability. Lower-noise, higher-power, and faster tuning (200 nm/sec) versions are available.