Atoga Systems, Inc. introduced the Optical Application Router 30 (OAR 30). The OAR 30 has a large capacity, carrier-class switching platform that enables service providers to take advantage of high-margin revenue opportunities, such as offering bandwidth-trading services and serving bandwidth-intensive applications like video conferencing and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) over their networks. The OAR 30's wavelength-grooming capability supports expanded service offerings in carrier networks. Designed for deployment in metropolitan points of presence (PoPs), co-location facilities (COs), or major data centers, the OAR 30 supports efficient use of network assets and simplifies service operations.
The OAR 30, based on Atoga's FastApp architecture, delivers 30 Gbps of grooming capacity and creates a configurable network using tunable lasers. Because the new Atoga solution tightly integrates IP, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and WDM layers, carriers are enabled to introduce new IP services without jeopardizing revenues derived from legacy TDM offerings. Tunable lasers intelligently groom application traffic onto selected wavelengths, and additional traffic channels are opened as needed. Network-usage policies are conveyed across all network elements from a centralized policy server, and support for "cut-through" provisioning increases service velocity.
The OAR 30's advanced traffic-engineering technologies provide a simple Quality of Service (QoS) and traffic-prioritization mechanism that eliminates over-provisioning inefficiencies in carrier networks. Over-provisioning today is responsible for up to 40 percent of a carrier's total network costs in some cases. The OAR 30 controls customer traffic using more meaningful network parameters such as time of day and traffic priority, allowing a carrier to offer enriched grades of service-level agreements (SLAs).
Traditional, element-by-element management in a metro network is typically cumbersome, labor-intensive and costly. Because the OAR 30 is an integrated platform supporting end-to-end policy management, fewer network elements need to be individually configured and managed. This feature cuts carrier capital and operating costs and, therefore, increases profitability.
The OAR 30 also supports multi-level protection at the transport and DWDM layers to ensure carrier-class network reliability and performance. The OAR 30 provides SONET Unidirectional Path Switched Ring (UPSR) protection at the transport layer and wavelength protection at the DWDM layer using tunable lasers. SONET's rich fault detection and isolation capabilities, combined with the flexibility of tunable DWDM, create a highly resilient, fully managed infrastructure with survivability against node and link failures. Fault-tolerant data and control paths support 99.999-percent network availability.
Atoga will debut the OAR 30, available for trials in the third quarter of this calendar year, in Booth 2858 at SUPERCOMM 2001, June 5-7 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.
About Atoga:
Atoga Systems designs, develops, and manufactures intelligent, integrated WDM platforms for the optical Internet. For more information, visit