Blue Sky Research shipping pre-production samples of coolerless EDFA pump modules
Blue Sky Research today announced that it is shipping pre-production samples of its EPM980 Coolerless 980-nm Laser Pump Module for EDFAs. Samples are currently shipping to select customers, ranging from privately held companies to Fortune 500 corporations, and the company is accepting new orders. Full production is scheduled for the second quarter.
Coolerless EDFAs offer significant benefits in terms of reduced power consumption and dissipation, more compact size, improved reliability, and lower cost, claims Blue Sky Research. The EPM980 offers output powers up to 120 mW.
The EPM980's performance is enabled by the company's proprietary Micron-Lens technology, which increases manufacturing yields without compromising performance or Telecordia reliability, say company representatives.
The standard EPM980 operates without cooling over temperatures from 10 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees Celsius. The Select version, now available, extends the operating range to cover zero to 70 degrees Celsius for applications that require an expanded operating temperature range. The EPM980 includes a Telecordia-qualified 980-nm laser diode with Micron-Lens technology in a compact, hermetically sealed TO-can mount, packaged for replacement of standard butterfly devices.
Pricing for the EPM980, depending on volume and power, is expected to enable entire EDFA units to be manufactured and sold for under $1,000.
For more information about Blue Sky Research (Milpitas, CA), visit the company's Web site at